Enola gay smithsonian controevrsy

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and Japan, conducted in Japan, in the U.S., and in Detroit between November 2 Steven R. See chapter 14 or the following references cited there: Martilla & Kiley, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, A Survey of Public Attitudes in the U.S. Martin Harwit, The Enola Gay A Nation’s and a Museum’s Dilemma, Washington Post, August 7, 1994, C7. Tony Capaccio and Uday Mohan, Missing the Target, American Journalism Review (July/August, 1995). Meyer, Dropping the Bomb, Washington Post, July 21, 1994, p. Opinion Page, (Shelbyville) Times-Gazette, May 5, 1994. Tom Webb, Grisly display for famed Enola Gay bomber angers vets, Knight-Ridder-Tribune News Service, Wilmington Morning Star, May 7, 1994. Morrison, see also AFA Enola Gay Coverage, 1994, May 1995.

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Morrison, Airpower Ãœber Alles, Focus Section, National Journal, April 2, 1994, p. Arthur Hirsch, see also AFA Enola Gay Coverage, 1994, May 1995.ĭavid C.

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